However, I made an effort this week, despite having a midterm paper due today, to be a little more of a tourist in my now quasi-home of Paris. On Sunday, I went to see my friend and "buddy" Hannah in a choir performance with my housemate Julia. She is wayyy to modest and had me thinking it would be a normal youth choir group thing, but it ended up being a legitimate opera/orchestra/choir/theater compilation. It was also in this really awesome circus type building appropriately called Cirque d'Hiver. It was quite a treat, especially with some candy brought along from the grocery store :)
The last few days in Paris have had INCREDIBLE weather; we're talking 18 degrees on Tuesday!! Translation, about 65 degrees :). NORMALLY back in Berk at 65 degrees I would be cold, but my body has definitely adjusted to the climate here.
On Monday, I took advantage of the weather with quite a long walk by myself in the mid-afternoon when I wanted a study break. I hadn't seen the Mouffetard neighborhood properly during the daytime, which is basically an old cobble street area of Paris, so I made that my destination.
I also decided not to use my map, and just head in the general direction I knew I needed to go. However, I realized that the neighborhood to my right actually gets a bit sketchy once you go a bit farther in. Luckily, I still had brought my map and, after a few sketchy men hitting on me, made my way to the main roads.
Mouffetard is a really cute neighborhood, and is also pretty close to other famous attractions such as the Panthéon and Luxembourg Gardens, which explains why my hourish walk turned into almost three.
The next day, I joined some fellow Sciences-Po students for a lovely picnic at the Eiffel Tower for a few hours in the afternoon before taking off to rock climbing. As a side note, my rock climbing skills are definitely improving haha.
The next day, being Wednesday and technically yesterday haha, meant I actually had proper class to attend. I was put in a very good mood when I got my grade for my first proper expose...15/20 WHICH is actually really good here--the prof said it was the highest grade he has given so far :).
Last night, was also awesome because I got some close-to-Mexican food. My friend Steph had us over to her apartment and we did our best at making some fajitas. Everything was DELICIOUS, its just rather difficult to make actual Mexican food when they don't sell black or pinto beans, nor the proper spices or guacamole :)
Today, the weather finally took a turn for the worse, buttt today was also a day of many tasks that kept me inside, so I didn't mind too much. Instead of class this morning, I went to a mandatory doctor's appointment to complete my VISA (everyone with a visa in France has to do this). It actually turned into quite a lovely experience since I would say most of the people there were Sciences Po students, many of them at least acquaintances. It really turned the doctor's office into a social event, quite to the doctor's and nurses displeasure haha.
Appointment was nothing serious; they quickly weighed, took height, checked eyesight etc. Probably most random was the chest x-ray they made us do, but now I have a pretty souvenir of my ribs and spine to always remember my appointment :). I got cleared, and I am now OFFICIALLY done with much of my administration annoyances here--at least I hope so.
After the appointment, I grabbed a pastry with one of the girls I had spent the morning with. I got my second almond croissant, just as delicious as I remember it being on my first day in Paris! I then had class where I turned in a 10 page midterm paper--SO happy to have that finished!
This afternoon, Julia and I ran more admin errands. First, we paid rent, which always makes me feel slightly sketchy because it is in cash haha. Then, because I had become officially a legal residence by completing my VISA, I was able to finish my application for student housing assistance from the government. I'm looking forward to some euros being deposited into my banking account soon :)
Whattt else? Today is St. Patty's day, so I will be going to an Irish Pub in a few hours. Class tomorrow, and thennn...Cameron (close friend from childhood) will be arriving in Paris on Saturday. I hope that I can sufficiently entertain and feed him for the week he is here haha. Overall, things are going quite well. Definitely have school work on the too near horizon, but, again, I'm trying to ignore that as much as possible :)
So fun to share your experiences. Have fun showing Cameron around. Can't wait to see you when we're there!