Sunday, February 13, 2011

I refuse to be sick...

For the last week or so, my housemates have been battling sore throats and head colds, but I have remained healthy. It wasn't until I got in late last night that I became worried--definitely woke up with an abnormal throat. Thankfully, I don't have class Monday or Tuesday. Even though I have a bunch of things I need/want to do, I will also be able to rest and make sure I get better!

It's been a little while since my last update--basically I've been working on school and making friends (feels like freshmen year of college again haha). Overall, I am still having a really lovely time! I am attempting NOT to let myself stress out over all the little projects/papers/presentations coming up, but it is hard not to. The semester here is only 12 weeks, and mind you each class only meets once a week for 2 hours. It is VERY little contact time, but there is still so much work.

It also feels strange to be at an "elitist" institution. I'm not saying that Berkeley completely lacks that sort of "academic" mentality, I just feel it much more at my host university. I also feel like class discussions simply lack a lot of the passion and perspective that I find at Cal--this experience is really making me appreciate what I have back home. However, I also know that I am learning tons from exposure to a different notion of academia. My professors are all incredibly impressive people, the subject matters (for the most part) are very interesting, I just wish I have fewer classes and more time in each of them--I think it would be even more valuable :)

A twelve week semester feels like it is going to be a quick bright and scary flash. Looking at my schedule, I really don't have as much time to travel as I hoped between friends visiting me here and my workload. I am SO happy that I decided to keep my summer free for European exploration--it makes it easier to come to terms with the fact that I will not be jet-setting every weekend.

I'm also really trying to get a head start on my work so that when I do travel, I can actually enjoy myself. A partner for one of my presentations is coming over today around one and I'm meeting up with another tomorrow. SO MUCH GROUP WORK HERE. I'm not really opposed, it just makes life a little more complicated trying to figure out schedules.

I've had really fun evenings since last Wednesday, making dinner with friends, apartment parties, etc. Tonight, my housemates and I are doing a small V-day celebration. Julia and I hit the supermarket last night (since they are closed on Sundays) and picked up wine, cheese, chocolates, and crackers--oh ya :)

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